Behind the Scenes of the Natural Dyeing Collection
All the weavings in the naturally dyed collection were woven with fibers that I hand dyed piece by piece and Harris Tweed from Scotland. They are comprised of all natural fibers such as cotton, silk, velvet and wool, sourced from small woman owned businesses. Harris Tweed is not only very high quality hand made tweed (not machine) it was also founded by women in the 1800s! Quite an endeavor!
The fibers were dyed with their own specific intention (read more about that below) and once the weaving was completed crystal beads from another small local business were added in alignment with the intention. Each woven wall hanging is finished with a custom made hand soldered copper frame for grounding and charging of the energetic properties of the piece.The copper frames add visual interest and also add a living aspect to the weavings as the copper patina over time. Read more below about each individual weaving.
Logwood Dye:

About a year later I finally decided it was time to stop saving the precious naturally dyed fibers. Since it was about a year later I was curious about how the energy would unfold while weaving. Would the energy still be there? Honestly, I didn't

Indigo Dye:
The intention sett into the fibers just before dyeing was to permission to rest. In a chaotic world filled with responsibilities and obligations it's

easy to get caught up in the constant push forward, the need to complete everything on the 'to do' list in record time, knowing that the 'to do' list only keeps growing. Indigo is a unique dye in that it actually needs to rest in order to become a viable dye. All the ingredients are added into the vat and then you need to wait. After just the right reaction has taken place it's ready to dye and WOW

the results are well worth the wait! It is the perfect dye to match with the intention to rest. It's ok to take some time to reset. It's ok. It's your life. Live it well. Through rest we become a better version of ourselves. The indigo is a great example of that. If we tried to rush the process it just wouldn't work.

Black Walnut Dye:
The intention behind the Black Walnut Dye was deep connection to ancestral practices and the rhythm of the seasons. Black Walnut is a very popular

could have chosen an easier harvesting method, but I didn't because I wanted to preserve some powder for future use), but the whole time I felt very connected with the earth and my ancestors. I laughed so hard at myself, exploring the newness of the dyeing process and being completely amazed at how much color these soapy smelling tree nuts yield. And SO easily. The abundance and the connection, it was rejuvenating.
While weaving 'Earth' with the black walnut dyed fibers that I harvested, I felt a very deep connection to nature. It felt like a warm summer day even though it was the peak of winter.

Naturally Dyed Weld, Coreopsis and Marigold Woven Wall Hanging with Harris Tweed and Citrine
Weld, Coreopsis and Marigold Dye:

Weaving: While weaving 'Daylight' I felt a jolt, I wove faster and felt like I was truly in tune with what. I was meant to do. I was inspired. Before I started weaving it I was a bit burnt out,

preparing for a big event but the moment I picked these fibers back up I felt restored. I had thought that it would be the last piece I would complete before the show because I was just that tired, but instead I went on with renewed energy and came up with the copper framing idea, and completed 2 more pieces afterward! It vibrant nature is a delight to behold. I added Citrine beads to capture that burst of activity, the action that it inspires.
Naturally Dyed Madder, Coreopsis and Marigold Woven Wall Hanging with Harris Tweed and Red Jasper
Madder, Marigold and Coreopsis Dye:
The madder dye bath was centered on ancestral practices. Madder root is one of the oldest natural dyes (Indigo is believed to be the oldest). Its ease of use,

availability and color yield makes it a great textile dye and natural paint. This dye bath was not only used to dye these fibers but also used to make lake pigment for paint and the marigold and coreopsis dye bath was used to make paper pulp. No part of the dye went to waste.

'Roots' embodies the beginning, the origin or the primal state. It's created in the energy of grounding into the

ancient and into our own base power. It encourages us to keep ancestral practices alive by remembering and honoring the skills and knowledge they offer.

The quilt like pattern evokes a feeling of comfort and nostalgia for a time when communities thrived on working together and building each other up. Red Jasper beads are tucked into the folds of the Harris tweed, further promoting the deep connection to the our roots.
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